4 Tips for Successful Living

If you ask twenty people how they define success, you are sure to get twenty different answers. And too, it depends on the person you ask what is happening in his or her life at the time of the question. Success isn't based on your economic status, your position or social presence; it's how you choose to live your life. Earl Nightingale, in the book title The Strangest Secret states, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal; If someone is working toward a predetermined goal, and knows where he or she is going, that person is a success."
 We live in a society where some people believe if they haven't attained material possessions, connected to influential people, or have the latest and greatest "stuff", then success hasn't graced their door. What many people fail to grasp is that most successful people are the ones who are disciplined, focused, determined and persistence about what they want for themselves and the people around them.

When you intentionally set your sights on achieving a specific goal or pursue your dream, and you accomplish it ¾ then you are a success. It doesn't have to be grandiose; something that will spark recognition. Let's say you want to lose 8 pounds so you can have more energy, or you want to have a better grip on your finances so you can start investing; having a fundamental foundation will help you ensure your success.

Why do people feel like failures sometimes? It's because they have no vision and no plan. Success people don't wait for life to happen. They do whatever is in their power to do. You can fire up your success quotation: Vision + Plan = Success.

4 Tips for Building a Successful Life

Following these tips to help you put a plan in motion for success:

#1 Know your WHY - what do you want, why do you want it? Create a vision board if you need to help you stay focused. Write it down clearly and post it where it is visible. When times get tough, you need something that will remind you of WHY you are doing this. It will help you stay focused.

#2 Take personal responsibility and make a commitment - own your role in creating the life/business that you want. You and only you decide what you can and do and will do to make your life better. Choose what you can do today and stick with it. If you don't commit to doing the things that will enhance your life, you will continue to move in circles.

#3 Start living the life you envisioned - come out of the gate and stop waiting. No more hiding behind what you don't have or what isn't right - work with what's in front of you NOW. Grab hold to the big picture and not the day-to-day nuisance.

#4 Be true to yourself - you don't have to compare yourself to what others are doing. You were created for a unique purpose, so let your originality shine through.

Whatever your aim is in life, do it with intention and follow through.

To Your Success!

Cherri Walston is known as, "The Big Picture Catalyst" who helps women solo-entrepreneurs and small-business owners stay focused and productive, so they can generate more clients and sky-rocket their income. You can get a free copy of her eBook, "Six Clues You Are Getting In Your Way of Living Your Vision" at: http://mybigpicturecoach.com. Email: cherri@mybigpicturecoach.com.

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